Pursuing her dreams of getting her doctorate and curing malaria, Cristell faces her final examen when the dean makes a complicated proposal.


Short film / 30 mins / 2024

Producer: Mehaka Chahat & Lukoji Mulamata

Local Producer: Ngudia Nkashama Espoir

Director: Hallel Mujingila Diakalenga

DP: Andrew Kirschenbaum

1st AD: Faray Madua

Script Supervisor: Vital Nsango

1st AC: Ericks Mukenge

Sound: Blaise Musaka Pelos

Costumes: Denise Kanzeu

HMU: Jeannette Kabulo Kahemba

On Set Photographer: Tshipeng Kayemb Alexis

Driver: Junior Ngudia

Editor: Hallel Mujingila Diakalenga

Composer: Bryan Garbe

Sound Design: Tianning Liu

Colorist: Kyungchan Min

Script Translator: Thomas Mackin

Special thanks to University of Lubumbashi and Professor Tchbambi.


Starring Eunice Mbapa & Dr. Ebondo

Daniel Kapend Karul

Marleine Kalumbu

Mianika Mbombo

Carmel Katund Nduw 

Ngosa Bure Gody

Mwiluka sar Nancy

Gabin Fuan Mwen A Mutend

Ndaya Mukenyi Cynthia

Odette Ndeji

Vital Nsango

Filmed on location in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo.