

Interview with CEO and co-founder of Yuka, Julie Chapon,  an 100% independent app that scans food and cosmetic products in order to know their impact on your health.

A part of a large documentary covering the connection between endocrine disruptors and fertility.



Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Enso Taves grew up with a guitar in his hands. With a dream of performing bohemian bachata one day in NYC, Taves made his way to the Big Apple.

Approaching his new single release, Enso gives us a sneak peak into his process, perspective and a live session that features some of his newest melodies.

The Forever Chemical Scandal

PFAS chemicals are used in thousands of products aimed at making life easier. But the chemicals are now almost everywhere, including in human blood, and are being linked to severe health problems.

Nos Vemos Pronto

Risking their lives along a network of dangerous Colombian highways to confronting the wounds of leaving home through poetry, Nos Vemos Pronto traverses the diverse experiences of the current Venezuelan refugee crisis in Colombia.

When The Sky Fell

Coming soon.



Youth from all 5 boroughs come to play for NYC LIONS FOOTBALL, based in the Lower East Side, in hopes of making it to the next level.

Football Farmers

Two Turkana pastoralists facing conflict in the arid desert of Northern Kenya find an outlet through an emerging youth soccer academy. With temptations of armed conflict that plague the region bordering South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia and the program aims to change the community forever through football.