

A young, cross-cultural couple already on shaky ground is tested when an interaction at a local restaurant causes even more tension between the pair. Cortado is a nuanced, tense and explosive drama that handles the toxicity of failed communication, love lost and the frontiers that exist in international relationships.

Learn more about the development process and behind the scenes here.


Short Film / 14 mins / 2023

Director: Andrew Kirschenbaum & Juan Teisaire

DP: Andrew Kirschenbaum

Colorist/Editor: Andrew Kirschenbaum

Starring Juan Teisaire & Hannah Abdoh

Music courtesy Gustavo "Cactus"

Filmed on location in Harlem, New York City.


Best of Fest - Lee Strasberg Film Festival 2023

Best Cinematography - Lee Strasberg Film Festival 2023

Best Director - Lee Strasberg Film Festival 2023